lost & unfound

LOST: Wanderer

I am looking for a woman who is looking for a man. At the moment, I think it would be nice to find someone who is unspeakably gorgeous, not full of herself, endlessly interesting and interested, kind to strangers, children and seniors, optimistic but not naïve, imaginative, intelligent, articulate, eloquent, excited about life, awed by nature, curious, observant, adventurous, able, friendly, insightful, outsideful, easygoing, down-to-earth, charming, spunky, sassy, quick to defend what she believes in, flexible, forgiving, generous, grateful, open-minded, perceptive, sensitive, spontaneous, mostly fearless, naturally encouraging, coolly-tempered, lake-like, and transparently caring. A lover of everything, who has an uncompromising integrity about her, a sense of self, a peace about her, a knack for making friends, for making people laugh until their stomachs hurt, for enjoying herself until her stomach hurts and having fun at a moment's notice without any props. Someone who rolls with life's punches and comes up smiling even when she's down. Someone who would look at a tire before swear at it if it went flat. Someone who has reason to be cynical but isn't. Who, when she could scream, laughs instead. A lighthearted, bright-eyed free spirit who thinks, feels, looks, sees for herself. Someone with a style all her own who takes paths less traveled by. A trailblazer with some common sense, some uncommon sense and some impossible dreams. Someone who knows herself. The life of the party or the girl outside getting some fresh air. Someone whose side I could leave at a party and not have to worry about. Someone whose side I would never want to leave. Someone who is listening to me, not just waiting for her turn to speak. Someone who doesn't let people shortchange her or longchange her. Someone you would trust your children with. Someone who would say "to those near [her],when [her] fingers would not hold a brush "tie it to my hand"—". Someone with whom forever would not seem like a long time. A kindred spirit whose insides are even more terribly beautiful than her outsides. Someone who makes me feel more me. Someone to be my moon. But this is the only thing that really matters: She must make me tremble and she must feel the same.

If found, please call.