From Packrat to Neatnik: My Journey to Neatness – Lesson #1: Choose your destination.

One of my New Year’s resolutions for this year is to keep my living and work spaces cleaner and tidier and to declutter. I have seen the benefits of it and have wanted to do it for a long time but it conflicts with my inner packrat that knows that almost everything could be just …

Don’t be afraid to go your own way

There’s conventional wisdom, and there’s unconventional wisdom. Conventional wisdom is given to you. Unconventional wisdom is discovered—by you. Or people like you. Question conventional wisdom. That’s what leads to better wisdom. It will feel uncomfortable, because how could everyone before you be wrong? But it’s worth doing. It’s the only way forward. You’re in the …

Everything I Needed to Know about Business I Learned from Surfing (#10): You can’t control everything. You can always do something.

There are a lot of things you can’t control in surfing. If there are no waves, you can’t make there be waves. If the wind is coming in from the wrong direction, you can’t change it. I remember a surf report once given where the scout said, “Today is a good day to do something …

Everything I Needed to Know about Business I Learned from Surfing (#9): Surf more waves.

The more surf spots you visit and the more waves you surf, the better you will become at surfing. Waves that don’t look that great from the shore can be really fun when you get in the water. Waves can be better or worse than you think they will be. Surf reports can be right …